Artificial Athlete (AA)


The STE Artificial Athlete is used to measure the shock absorption (%) and vertical deformation (mm) of sports surfaces. Typically used on athletics tracks and indoor sports halls, the device makes measurements using a load cell and two LVDT displacement transducers when the device mass is dropped onto the surface. Shock Absorption and Deformation are two critical player/surface interaction metrics which have a significant impact on athlete performance and injury risk.

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Product Features

Shock Absorption (%) and Vertical Deformation measurement from one drop.

Dismantlable frame for transportation.

Electromagnet mass release system controlled from PC software.

What’s Included?

1 x AA Device

1 x Laptop PC with testing software installed

1 x Device Control Box


Assessment of player/surface interaction on athletics tracks and indoor sports halls.


EN 14808

EN 14809

EN 14904

EN 15330


World Rugby